I had a realization today: My kitchen sink could really use foot controls.

How often have I come to the sink with something on my hands. Raw chicken "juice", fingers coated in egg and flour, or even something sticky. Nothing like spreading that mess even further and getting it all over the sink knobs, when you turn them on.

So why not control it with your feet? Medical offices have been using foot pedals on sinks for years. Isn't it about time we added them to the kitchen too?

As an added benefit, foot pedal controls on sinks help to conserve water by instantly turning it off when you leave the sink. We all know it's a bit of a pain to turn the sink on and off again as you're wiping off counters and rinsing the sponge. How many times have you simply let it run instead? That's eliminated with foot pedal controls. Instant on and off again. There when you need and off when you don't.

If you're planning on remodeling your kitchen with new cabinets and, well, everything else including the kitchen sink, then also consider adding foot pedal controls too.

Contact us and find out more. 714-693-1111.