More than 93% of homeowners who recently remodeled their kitchens found that they enjoy spending more time in their kitchens. Now that home cooking is more necessary than ever before, it's even more important to love the space you're in.
Read MoreThe smell of bacon frying in the kitchen and coffee percolating in the coffee making will transform any crabby morning person into a glowing beacon of sunshine. But if you don't have the facility to make that magic happen, mornings will become the worst part of your day.
Read MoreThe kitchen is often the beating heart of the home. It's where families gather for meals or party guests mingle while food is being prepared. In most cases, it's one of the most used rooms in the house. But kitchens get old. The cabinets start getting worn and countertops get damaged.
Read MoreRenovating your bathroom is a great way to add value to your home. In fact, most midrange bathroom renovations will recoup about 67% of bathroom remodel costs. However, you want to be sure that your bathroom remodel is successful to get the biggest return on your investment.
Read MoreIn a normal year, more than 115 million Americans travel by air, rail, or road during the holiday season. But the past year and a half has been anything but normal because of Covid-19. Many families decided to forgo the traditional large gathering and enjoy smaller celebrations at home to stay safe.
Read MoreThe average American spends just 34 minutes each day prepping food and cleaning up. Beyond that, we spend barely more than an hour eating every day. If you typically choose grab-and-go meals and rely on weekend meal prepping, those figures might describe you.
Read MoreMany people consider the kitchen to be the most important room in their home. That said, while your kitchen might be where all the magic happens, it's difficult to cook up a storm without a neat and tidy, well-stocked pantry.
Read MoreWhen it comes to remodeling your bathroom, you want to make sure you are staying up with the latest design trends. Not only will you enjoy spending time in your bathroom more, soaking in the bath or getting ready for the day, but when it comes time to sell, your new buyers will also love it.
Read MoreIs your kitchen reaching the end of its life? Are the reasons for renovating your kitchen cabinets piling up? We will go over some reasons why you shouldn't put it off any longer. We will bet that your reasons are on this list! Keep reading to find out what the reasons are! 1.
Read MoreAt least 66% of accidental injuries happen in the bathroom, specifically in the tub or shower. It's particularly dangerous for those over age 65 who are more prone to falls. Between sudsy soap and slick tubs, it's no surprise why bathrooms can be a big hazard in homes.
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